December 29, 2018
In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.
Most of us live in urban areas, in busy cities where nature is tamed and does not take an important place in daily life. However, nature is more than just a place we can visit during our holidays or weekends. Nature is our origin and the place where all our subtle needs for beauty, mystery, and adventure are met. Nature holds many gifts for us if we prove willing to explore its magnificent diversity.
Check out these nature quotes and learn how to revive your appreciation for nature…
∴ I believe the world is incomprehensibly beautiful — an endless prospect of magic and wonder. –Ansel Adams
∴ As children, we are very sensitive to nature’s beauty, finding miracles and interesting things everywhere. As we grow up, we tend to forget how beautiful and magnificent the world is. There is magic and wonder for eyes who know how to look with curiosity and love.
∴ In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. – Aristotle
∴ At a first glance, nature seems to follow simple laws that determine how every process in nature occurs. This is only an illusion. Nature is not only complex but also intriguingly original in every one of its works. For us, nature is the possibility of marvelous explorations.
∴ The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. – Joseph Campbell
∴ We feel connected to nature, yet we can hardly explain why nature impresses us so much, or why do we seek to spend time in nature. The truth is that we are part of nature as anything else. When we disconnect from nature, we forget who we are.
∴ Nature is the art of God. – Dante Alighieri
∴ People are inventors, creators, painters, and musicians, yet few of their accomplishments can compare to the miraculous workings of nature. Nature is the greatest creator and inventor while nature itself is a work of art.
∴ Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. –Hans Christian Andersen
∴ To live a happy and healthy life, people need to feel at peace with their environment and to be able to enjoy the beauty around them. Nature gives us all the things we need to be happy and we can become explorers who find meaning and beauty in nature’s diversity.
∴ Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. –Ralph Waldo Emerson
∴ Nature speaks to us through different images, landscapes, colors, patterns, and forms of exquisite beauty. As we admire nature’s extravagance, our emotions and feelings become part of it. This harmonious balance makes our souls happy.
∴ Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’ – Robin Williams
∴ Of all the seasons, spring is the most festive and most joyful. In spring, nature comes back to life. Tree, flowers, and birds announce us that the world will be covered again in color and the sun will finally have the power to warm us up.
∴ In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. – John Muir
∴ Taking a walk in nature has healing power for our minds and souls. We don’t ask anything from nature, yet nature gives us silence, peace, harmony and beauty, without limits. Walking in nature is free and efficient therapy for our stressed, fast-paced lives.
∴ I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment. – Pat Buckley
∴ Either religious or not, every person finds in the extraordinary diversity and harmony of nature the sign of a miraculous power. God can be hidden in every element of nature. If we respect nature and all its elements, we respect God.
∴ Mother Nature speaks in a language understood within the peaceful mind of the sincere observer. – Radhanath Swami
∴ In nature, we find silence and tranquility, yet nature has its own language by which it speaks to those who are paying attention. By listening to nature’s song, we discover a world different from our own, where everything flows slower, yet always with purpose.
∴ Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. – Lao Tzu
∴ Nature has its own rhythms and laws and it is always very patient with everything that it accomplishes. Growth requires time, patience and peace, and nature knows this best. As we admire the works of nature, we can learn how to enter the same natural flow.
∴ I like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It’s so heroic. – George Carlin
∴ Nature is more powerful, creative, and ingenious than we believe. With patience, it can eliminate any obstacle from its way. Nature teaches us how to allow our work to flourish naturally, with no concern for obstacles and limits.
∴ I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough? – Vincent Van Gogh
∴ Besides big goals and accomplishments, life is also about knowing how to enjoy simple pleasures that make our souls happy, such as nature or art. Nature is more than just the background of our lives. It is the place where we can feel safe and happy.
∴ Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. – Gary Snyder
∴ Modern life has made us look at nature as some place disconnected from our daily routines. Nature is not some place we can visit on holidays or weekends, but rather our most solid and beautiful home, where we can easily find anything our souls crave for.
∴ I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order. – John Burroughs
∴ We lead busy and organized lives, where we feel burdened by stressful problems that continue to arise every day. Whenever we seek peace and silence, we can retreat to nature. In nature, our senses, minds, and souls are purified.
∴ Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. – Frank Lloyd Wright
∴ Nature is highly powerful and complex, and it sometimes can demand us to face its force. To love nature, we must be able to understand its laws and to study its ways. Nature never betrays those who know how to adapt and those who follow its rules.
∴ If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. – Vincent Van Gogh
∴ There is beauty everywhere in nature, yet there are very few eyes to seek and notice it. People who truly love nature know how to appreciate nature’s workings. They find excitement and happiness in exploring nature’s beauty and its endless mysteries.
∴ Earth laughs in flowers.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
∴ The Earth speaks to us through the elements of nature. In every natural thing, we can find a hidden, powerful message. As colorful and bright things that bring joy to our hearts, flowers express the joy of the Earth itself.
∴ The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble. –Blaise Pascal
∴ Nature’s rules are very strict. Everything flows in synchronicity, always moving, growing, and changing. In nature, everything is connected. Every small element can hold tremendous force and can determine great changes. Nature’s force spreads equally.
∴ To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon the verdant green hills is the most perfect refreshment. – Jane Austin
∴ When life overwhelms us with all its demands and problems, we can find moments of tranquility and happiness by looking at nature. A beautiful landscape can invigorate our souls and restore our energies, making us realize that happiness lies in simple pleasures.
∴ The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration. – Claude Monet
∴ Many of the things that people have achieved in our history were inspired by nature and its richness. Nature offers us an abundance of images, landscapes, processes, and elements in which we can find something worthy of studying.
∴ The beauty of the natural world lies in the details. – Natalie Angier
∴ An important lesson that nature teaches us is finding beauty in details, in small elements that don’t stand up but which hide impressive qualities. From a simple seed to an insect or a snowflake, everything in nature is more than it seems.
∴ The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy. – Henry Ward Beecher
∴ Nature’s wonders are not only for a select few. Everyone can enjoy its beauty and richness. The more open we are in our love, the more things nature gives us. Such as trees, flowers or birds, we are part of the same richness and we carry the same wonders.
∴ In nature there are neither rewards or punishments – there are consequences. – Robert Green Ingersoll
∴ Anything that does not respect nature’s laws or which does not follow its flow suffers consequences. Nature does not know good or evil, yet its first law is causality. For every action, there is a natural effect that follows. Understanding this law makes us more powerful.
∴ Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own. – Charles Dickens
∴ One of the fundamental qualities of nature is diversity. Nature is a richness of colors, forms, elements that change with every day that passes. Every moment of the day and every moment of the year shows us a different face of nature.
∴ I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. – Walt Whitman
∴ As we observe nature, we discover elements that stand out and impress us in certain ways. However, nature never discriminates. There is beauty and force in every one of its elements, no matter how insignificant they might appear to us.
∴ Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative. – H. G. Wells
∴ Nature is beautiful and marvelous, yet it can also be very cruel. Its most important law of existence is adaptability. Nothing can resist in nature without continuously adapting to the changing circumstances of nature. This is the law that ensures growth and progress.
∴ The mountains are calling and I must go. – John Muir
∴ When we get so caught up in our lives that we forget to enjoy simply being, nature calls us to her. In the wilderness of mountains and oceans, we find balance and strength again. Whenever we stop and pay attention to our hearts, we will hear the call of the wild.
∴ Even if one tree falls down it wouldn’t affect the entire forest. – Chen Shui-bian
∴ Since everything is connected in nature, we can observe that nature also has its own support system based on precisely this connection. An element of nature cannot disturb the harmony of the whole. This is a important lesson for us as individuals.
∴ Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. – Eckhart Tolle
∴ We are surrounded by nature and because of if, we often tend to overlook its beauty and its mysteries. In each tree, flower, or bird we can find the secret to the whole nature. For this to happen, we need to train our perception and refine it.
∴ A miracle constantly repeated becomes a process of nature. – Lyman Abbott
∴ Things that seem common to us hold actually many surprises. Nothing tells us this more clearly than the processes of nature. There are miracles that happen all the time around us, but which we take for granted. However, repeated miracles are still miracles.
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